
長路奉獻給遠方 玫瑰奉獻給愛情
我拿什麼奉獻給你 我的愛人
白雲奉獻給草場 江河奉獻給海洋
我拿什麼奉獻給你 我的朋友


白鴿奉獻給藍天 星光奉獻給長夜
我拿什麼奉獻給你 我的小孩
雨季奉獻給大地 歲月奉獻給季節
我拿什麼奉獻給你 我的爹娘


Dear Kate,

I smelled spring this morning, for the first time this year, a smell of everything giving to everything else.  It transformed my visions: every most threatening thing seems bearable.  Hope was in the air and I was breathing it in, I merely--yet wonderfully and fearfully--a channel of blessing to give it back, having taken only what I needed and nothing more but also nothing less, good enough for me to flourish and be my best.

This father, I, would have told my daughter to consider what is best for the others in her community, especially for her teachers, who are considered her parents according to (the best of) the Chinese culture, especially during a pandemic, the constant and escalating stress they need to face, for her, the student and many others, everyday, empowering them to be trusting and trustworthy fathers and mothers of the generations to come.  I would have asked her to consider the meaning of the Cross, the "magnificent defeat" of our Lord Christ Jesus.  "And now [my daughter], I will ask you a terrible question, and God knows I ask it also of myself. Is the truth beyond all truths, beyond the stars, just this: that to live without Him is the real death, that to die with Him the only life?"

What my daughter would choose to do, immediately and ultimately, is up to her, up to her relationship with Jesus.  I the father can only hope and wish and pray for her wisdom and courage, creativity and lovingkindness, and the real moral victory would not be what I can pull off in the social media in two days, but what God would nurture and nourish in her in a life time.

The song I share with you today is a song about sacrifice.  I would rather that you cut and paste the words and Google-translate them.  This way you can pay attention to how the Chinese characters are enunciated, smell the transforming vision set to the melody of spring breeze.

The singer speaks about how one thing gives to another, such as a rose to a romance, a long path to a distant future, the rain to the land, and asks herself the question: How, then, should I give, to you, my lover, my friend, my child, my parent?

And she does the Christian thing: to ask the question ceaselessly (我不停的問), search for the answer tirelessly (我不停的找), ponder and meditate on it day and night (不停的想).

Christians once claimed a badge of true discipleship is that we ponder and meditate on the words of God day and night, abide in them as He abides in us, our path to human flourishing, on our Way that is Christ Jesus.  Many of us have lost our way and gone on different paths.

The song I share today is not for the faint of heart, not mine anyway.  Every time it plays I would start to weep, I merely a vessel of joy and sorrow to give it back to the spring breeze.

Yours, Alex


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