December Prayer
Another Advent prayer I found myself praying everyday in December, every ruthless words mine, salvaged from a world in ruins:
Dear Lord, help me
to not be held hostage by the joylessness of this world
which is hopelessness
which is joylessness
hostile to every baby Jesus that is asking to be born;
that I would resist the violence
but violently if I must.
(Must there, the bitter cup?)
The bloody hills on which I die shall be many
(my doubt about vaccine not one of them
on a backward boat cruise not one for the ages or the aged.)
Help me to stand where you would
where you did
where you are,
at the crossroads
roads with crosses
rows of crosses
crossing out your everlasting Amen to the Father
the Yes and Yes and Yes of life, to life, from Life
cancelling out your gift
wrapped in swaddling clothes
lying in a manger
wood for a slow death
textile a quick burial
joy and hope for those who are found.
I am fighting and I am not
please tell me which is which;
confuse me with ambiguity if there's where mystery lies,
but never indifference, never cowardice, never self-pity;
help this traitor to not betray you again--
I had blood on my hands and now they are coming for mine.
In the name of your Son, my Deliverer,
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