為何夢見他 那好久好久以前分手的男孩 又來到我夢中
為何夢見他 這男孩在我日記簿裡 早已不留下痕跡為何夢見他 為何夢中他的眼神 卻依然教我心跳
啊 為何夢見他 為何當我迷濛醒來卻含著眼淚
為何夢見他 那好久好久以前分手的男孩 又來到我夢中
為何夢見他 這男孩在我日記簿裡 早已不留下痕跡
Why do I dream about him?
The boy who left so long ago, now coming to me again?
Why do I dream of him?
The boy who so long ago left my diary, since then without a trace?
Why do I dream about him?
Why does the look in his eyes still make my heart beat fast?
Oh, why do I dream of him,
and wake to the dazed confusion of my tears well slow?
Why do I dream about him?
The boy who left so long ago, now coming to me again?
Why do I dream of him?
The boy who so long ago left my diary, since then without a trace?
Dear Kate,
I want to tell you about spring.
I couldn't.
If I could, I wouldn't be telling it well. How well? How well would my telling be good enough for spring, for you to know her as I knew her this morning?
I am not going to embarrass myself.
I will share with you, however, this song, the breeze that carried me to her this morning...and I shall stop this sentence right here, lest I embarrass myself.
When translating the words I took poetic license, which exhilarated, exasperated, and exhausted me.
Is spring the boy? you might wonder. For a moment I thought so too.
She's the dream.
Yours, Alex
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